Legislative & Legal Updates

Legislative & Legal Updates

If you need legal direction, contact CHN’s Legal Committee.    Or if you are interested in information about Legislation, contact the Legislation Committee.

LegislativeUpdatesAfter decades of increasingly accepted homeschooling, homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike were surprised nationwide when a court ruling declared that all homeschoolers must hold teaching credentials in order to continue to homeschool in California. CHN was part of a very strong team that included other state organizations to help overturn this decision. CHN’s membership was represented by the law firm of Baker & McKenzie.

On August 8, 2008, an opinion favorable to homeschooling was written by the Court of Appeal of the State of California Second Appellate District Division Three, case B192878. The three judges wrote a 44-page opinion that included what we wanted to hear:

“California statutes permit home schooling as a species of private school education.”

The earlier language that said homeschoolers needed a teaching credential was not included, and homeschoolers in California are continuing to homeschool as they always have.

On October 13, 2009 Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law Assembly Bill 66: (Anderson) Pupil Work Permits, a new law which will take effect on January 1, 2010.

You may read the complete Bill here.

To summarize briefly, this new law will allow private schools to issue work permits to students. More information on Work Permits can be found here.

On September 23, 2008 Natural News incorrectly reported online that a ruling made homeschooling illegal in California. They were notified of their error, and have printed a retraction. Homeschooling remains legal in California, and California homeschoolers will be filing their private school affidavits between October 1 and 15 as they have for years. CHN has filing instructions to assist homeschoolers on our “How to Homeschool” pages.

CHN has information needed so you can get involved.

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