Trustee Appointments

California Homeschool Network is a 501(c)3 Organization with an appointed Board of five Trustees.

Trustee Appointments

When a seat on the Board of Trustees is vacated, the remaining Trustees shall appoint by unanimity a qualified individual to serve.

Qualified individual(s) shall be a CHN member, volunteered for CHN in the last 6 (six) months, be an active or retired homeschool parent, or an active or former homeschooler who is at least 18 years of age, and shall uphold CHN’s bylaws, Mission Statement and general policies adopted by the Board of Trustees. Trustees shall agree with the Purposes set forth in these bylaws (Article II).

To apply please fill out the Trustee Application. Forms should be submitted to

Bylaw Amendments

Bylaw Amendments are governed by Article XVI of the CHN Bylaws. Bylaws are reviewed in even-numbered years and proposed amendments must be presented to the membership and receive a two-thirds vote of the membership except for in specific situations detailed in the Bylaws.

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