Current Bills & Alerts

If you have information on pending legislation that might affect homeschooling, please email the Legislation Monitoring Committee at

Bills & alerts on this page… (just click one of these to be taken directly to it)

These need your immediate attention:

Others CHN is monitoring:


AB 2756

AB 2926 

SB 972

AB1505 – AB1508

HR610 & HR899

School immunization update

Although there are bills pending in the legislature, current law has not changed since 2017.
Unless they are exempt, all public and private school students must be immunized to attend school. A list of the immunizations required can be found at
Exemptions include students with a current Medical Exemption signed by a doctor, students enrolled in home-based private schools (PSA filers), and students enrolled in independent study who do not participate in classroom instruction.
The exact wording of the exemption section is:
“(f) This section does not apply to a pupil in a home-based private school or a pupil who is enrolled in an independent study program pursuant to Article 5.5 (commencing with Section 51745) of Chapter 5 of Part 28 of the Education Code and does not receive classroom-based instruction.”
2019 update regarding SB 276 and SB 714:

California passed immunization legislation that will make it more difficult to receive a medical vaccine exemption in order to attend a public or private school. It does not apply to homeschoolers. Those enrolled in home-based private schools and non-classroom based independent study are still exempt because of SB277. If you file a PSA or are in a PSP or another program that is non-classroom based, you are still exempt from these rules. PSA filers (and those enrolled in a PSP) must still have health records in a student’s files even if the child is not vaccinated. If you are enrolled in a charter, you will need to check with your teacher/school for their rules.


SB 2 was initially a data collecting bill for public schools, and it has been amended to include private schools. It passed the Educational Committee unanimously and it’s scheduled for a hearing in the Appropriations Committee on April 29th. They are proposing a statewide database that would now include all students, even those in private schools, from preschool to college. Every California child would be assigned a state ID number, and public and private schools would be required to enter information into the database. There are potential privacy issues, depending on how much information they decide to collect and how secure it would be. It would also add a huge burden to all schools that would take away from meeting the needs of children!

Read the Bill here:

CHN is currently busy monitoring the following bills. We will issue updates as they develop.

You can research and find information on each bill at:
List of bills:

AB197 –   Full Day Kinder
AB262 – Communicable Diseases
AB283 – CalWORKS immunizations
AB543 – Sexual harassment posters
AB624 – ID card hotline numbers
AB1153 – Mandated reporter training
AB1383 – Admission by exception
AB1450 – Child abuse reporting
SB276 – Medical exemptions
SB316 – ID card hotline numbers
SB421 – Children’s cabinet
SB756 – Charters moratorium


The following are bills have just been introduced and they pertain to charter schools. Their links are below. CHN is aware and currently watching them.


You may find this article explaining these bills very helpful:

AB 2756

Legislation Alert 04/26/2018 CHN OPPOSES AB 2756

Full text of AB 2756:

This bill failed at the April 25th hearing in Sacramento!

Here’s the archive video of the hearing. Discussion of AB 2756 is at the beginning, then two hours of citizens voicing opposition, then powerful exchange between Member Kevin Kiley and the bill’s author Medina at 2:56, then at 6:27:30 – a call for motion goes unanswered.

AB 2756 is not just a privacy concern. It lays the groundwork for increased regulation of homeschooling.

Does that mean the fight is over? We don’t know yet, but CHN’s conversations with Medina’s office would lead us to think otherwise.

CHN suggested that Medina’s office contact all state groups for input, and we have provided that information to his office.

What is the purpose of AB 2756 if not to separate homeschoolers for further regulation? The information this legislation aims to “collect” is already available. Could the intent be to amend this bill in committee on 4/25? We don’t know. What we do know is that AB 2756 lays the groundwork for imposing legislation that could attempt to standardize homeschool, much like the recently withdrawn AB 2926 intended to do.

CHN’s first choice, and one we will continue to ask homeschoolers throughout California to help us with, is to get this bill dropped! If that doesn’t happen, then we will vigorously oppose any language that would be harmful to the rights of homeschoolers.

AB2756 was assigned to the Committee on Education and the Committee on Governmental Operations.

It was scheduled on the docket of the Committee on Education and given “special order of business” status, which means that it was heard first. Hearing: scheduled for April 25th at 1:30pm California State Capitol, 10th and L Streets Room 4202 (4th floor), Sacramento, CA 95814

Full text of AB 2756:

This bill was introduced on February 16th. It would amend California Education Code Section 33190 adding a mandatory fire inspection for all private schools, and it specifically states this would include private schools with five or fewer students. Private schools would also be required to state on their affidavit the “nature” of the private school including “conventional or traditional private schools, private school satellite programs, private online or virtual schools, parents, guardians, or other individuals who operate a private home school, and certified nonpublic nonsectarian schools”.

Author Assemblymember Jose Medina’s website states that this bill was introduced in response to the abuse case out of Perris, California involving the Turpin Family. CHN maintains that there is no evidence to support the claim that homeschooled children are more at risk for abuse than any other children, and homes where children are homeschooling are certainly not at greater risk for fire than any other home.

You can copy the graphic to the left to share with others.

Make Your Voice Heard!

Call and email your state representatives to let them know you oppose AB 2756. Find your state Assembly Member and Senator by entering your address here: When calling or writing, mention:

  • You are a local constituent;
  • You are a homeschool family;
  • You oppose AB 2756.

You could also mention:

  • Homeschooled children are not at greater risk from abuse than public school children;
  • Homes where children are homeschooling are not at greater risk from fire;
  • Fire Marshals are not trained to recognize abuse and it would also put an unsafe burden on fire departments;
  • Private homes should not be subject to government inspections without reason;
  • Homeschooling has existed in California under the private school exemption for many decades without issue;
  • To be fair, if private homes are going to be subject to inspection, every home with a child in it should be targeted, not just homeschools, and no one would consider that reasonable or lawful.

Read what others have written about not blaming homeschooling as well as links to serious school issues on CHN’s new media page: /homeschooling-resources/updates-media/

Stay Informed!

Follow updates on this legislation by monitoring CHN’s website and CHN’s Facebook page,

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It’s important that all homeschoolers and parents know about this threat and any others we might identify.

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AB 2926

This bill has been pulled but still being on our watch list.

AB 2926 – Full text of bill:

Assemblyman Medina and Assemblywoman Eggman each introduced bills of concern to homeschoolers this year, and CHN has been following both.

Medina’s AB 2756 “fire marshall” bill has received most of the publicity, but Eggman’s AB2926 has been watched carefully, and last night our worst fears were confirmed.

On the surface, Eggman’s AB2926 bill started as a nothing bill because just a few words were changed in existing ed code.  And that’s why we monitored her bill so closely!  Bills like this are known as “spot bills”.  They are introduced by the deadline and are holding the spot so that the bill’s author can gut the bill and slip in something new.  If you think that’s unethical, we would agree, but that’s what Assemblywoman Eggman did yesterday!

AB 2926 threatens the right to homeschool in California in a way that we’ve never seen!

This bill would establish an advisory committee that would make recommendations about the following:

“appropriateness and feasibility of imposing on a home school additional requirements, which shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following.”

(1) Health and safety inspections.

(2) Additional, specific curriculum standards.

(3) Certification or credentialing of teachers.

Opposing this dangerous bill is going to take the full force of the homeschooling community, regardless of how you homeschool.  We think it will impact those enrolled in Charter Schools too.

Read the bill:

Contact Assemblywoman Eggman!

Phone:  916-319-2013 (Capitol office) or  (209) 948-7479  (District office).


Fax: (916) 319-2113

“Comments to the author” button at the legislative site:

Please share!  It’s important!

California Student Aid Commission: Information on FASFA, Student Aide Programs, and Grants —

SB 972

Pupil and student health: identification cards: suicide prevention hotline telephone number

Full text of SB 972:

This bill would require all schools, public and private, to add a suicide prevention hotline onto the back of their student IDs.

HR610 & HR899

To read these bills, visit: HR610:  and  HR899:

There are currently two bills in Congress with the potential of affecting homeschoolers in California. HR 610 and HR 899. California Homeschool Network is aware of these bills and we are currently monitoring them. These bills are being monitored. Read more below on how this affects homeschoolers in California.

H.R. 610  Choices in Education Act of 2017


  • Introduced on January 23, 2017 by Representative Steve King (R) (IA)
  • Referred on January 23, 2017 to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.


  • This bill repeals the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and limits the authority of the Department of Education (ED) such that ED is authorized only to award block grants to qualified states.
  • The bill establishes an education voucher program, through which each state shall distribute block grant funds among local educational agencies (LEAs) based on the number of eligible children within each LEA’s geographical area. From these amounts, each LEA shall: (1) distribute a portion of funds to parents who elect to enroll their child in a private school or to home-school their child, and (2) do so in a manner that ensures that such payments will be used for appropriate educational expenses.
  • To be eligible to receive a block grant, a state must: (1) comply with education voucher program requirements, and (2) make it lawful for parents of an eligible child to elect to enroll their child in any public or private elementary or secondary school in the state or to home-school their child.


In most cases the California Homeschool Network (CHN) Legislative and Legal committees tend to take an observational position until the bill has started the process through the various committees.  AB610 has taken on a life of its own due to the fact that it actually mentions “homeschool” and other organizations have started taking a position on the merits of the bill.  With this in mind, we will present an initial review realizing that as the bill matures and is amended our position may also be amended accordingly.

  • The section that establishes homeschoolers as possible recipients for federal grants becomes the primary concern for CHN. You might ask why this is not an optimal idea considering that private homeschoolers do not receive any financial benefits from any governmental agency ranging from local school districts to the Federal Government.  This is a fair question, but let’s look at the intended and unintended consequences of this bill.
  • Until now, homeschooling in the United States has been primarily governed by the school districts, counties and the state you live in. This process allows for more “local” control permitting the community to set it’s own standards.  Yes this results in each jurisdiction interpreting the law differently and can cause some confusion but it does take into consideration “local” conditions and issues.  If this bill allows for the Federal government to distribute funds through the qualified states, this will sooner or later establish federal standards that must be met in order to qualify for the funds.
  • In the State of California we are privileged to have a fairly high level of homeschooling freedom within both the public and private sectors. To date, there has not been an official state definition of homeschooling which in our opinion has been a tremendous advantage.  If you are homeschooling through a public school or a charter school you are required to meet common standards that the state has encouraged the charters of follow.  If you are homeschooling through the private sector you have many more freedoms, especially in choosing the style of homeschooling and the curriculum.
  • If this bill is passed as is, a major concern will be the requirement that “homeschooling” must be legally defined by the Federal Government. This is where the danger lies.  For Charter students the standards may not be much different than they are now, but for the private homeschool family the changes may be a serious deterrent to homeschool freedom.  The legal definition of homeschooling that will be encouraged by the Federal government will most likely include the following requirements:
    • Must follow Common Core Standards or whatever Federal program that will replace it.
    • Family must be supervised by a state credentialed teacher or the parent must hold a credential.
    • Curriculum choices may become restricted (i.e. faith based curriculums like ABeka).
    • Homeschooling styles may become restricted due to the potential serious adherence to “scope and sequence” that may be implemented. This will possibly restrict families from participating in “delayed” academics or any other style that is not “time” sensitive.
    • All homeschoolers will be required to be “accountable” to both the State and Federal Governments through the process of mandated meetings and providing evidence of adequate work being accomplished.


The California Homeschool Network was founded on the principles of homeschooling freedoms and we feel that as this bill stands now our freedoms will be at risk.  Our current position is to watch the legislative process proceed and provide our members with a more definitive position when appropriate.  If the language does not change our position will change from “watch” to “oppose”.

From: California Homeschool Network’s Legislative Committee

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