CHN Store FAQs

How can I tell if my membership is current?

Every current member was e-mailed a log-in id and password in late November or early December 2014.  You may log-in to “My Account” to check your membership.  If you think you are currently a member, but don’t have your log-in and password, you can request a password reset using your e-mail address.  If the system returns an “invalid username or e-mail” message, that indicates that your membership had expired prior to late November/early December.  You can also send an e-mail to to make an inquiry regarding your membership status.

Why can’t I see all the CHN member Expo prices?  I can only see the two free categories…

You need to login to your member account first in order to view and purchase Expo registration at the member prices.  Click here to log into your account

Having trouble?

Having trouble purchasing Expo registration or other products? Contact with questions and we’ll be happy to help!

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