CHN Mailing Lists

California Homeschool Network’s email lists are an excellent way to interact with other homeschoolers and keep abreast of events and issues affecting homeschooling in our state.

CHN sponsors the following email lists through Yahoo! Groups:

CHN Discussion List

The Discussion List is a high-volume list where homeschoolers from around the state can ask questions, share stories, have fun and gain support.

Join the California Homeschool Network Discussion List

CHN Preschool Discussion List

The Preschool Discussion List focuses on homeschooling information specifically pertaining to preschoolers.

Join the California Homeschool Network Preschool Discussion List

CHN Calendar List

The Calendar List allows members to post events, field trips, and classes of interest happening throughout the state.

Join the California Homeschool Network Events Calendar List


If you are a fan of Facebook, CHN offers the following:

CHN Facebook Page

News and information about homeschooling in general, laws related to parenting and homeschooling, upcoming CHN hosted events and more.

CHN Facebook Group

Member only discussion group.  Members post about upcoming homeschool events, share information about businesses and vendors that cater to homeschoolers, ask questions and offer support to other homeschooling families.

CHN Expo Facebook Group

A Facebook page dedicated to our annual Family Expo. Get the latest updates about next year’s Expo, see what happened during past Expos and discuss all things Expo related. This page is most active during the months preceding and weeks after Expo.

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