Board of Trustees

Martin Forte – President

Martin Forte - President

Martin Forte, along with his wife, Carolyn, own and operate EIE Academy and Excellence in Education Resource Center in Monrovia, CA. Martin and his wife successfully homeschooled their two daughters for 14 years; both are college graduates and married with children. Martin has been a spokesman and advocate for more than 20 years, appearing on numerous radio and television programs and speaking at homeschool conferences, as well as co-founding California Homeschool Network. He is also a certified Learning Style Coach along with his wife.

Windi Eklund – Vice-President

Windi Eklund - Vice-President

I am a long-time homeschool mom with a passion for child-centered education and family support. We have been homeschooling for over 11 years through the California public charter school system. My two youngest are currently enrolled in an independent study public charter school. This past school year we moved my oldest out of the charter school and we now homeschool him independently through a PSA.
Since starting our homeschool journey as a family I have dedicated myself to being an integral part of our unique and diverse community. I have worked to broaden educational choices and knowledge of the programs available to our families through:

•Volunteering at Celebration Education, where I was able to help families from all over the world find alternative education options for their children
•Organize and lead field trips for homeschool families
•Set up new education programs and learning centers for homeschoolers
•Organize National School Choice Events and Charter School Choice Open Houses
•Speak on the homeschool options available to families at homeschool and alternative education conventions
•Run numerous homeschool and charter school social media groups, covering all of California with 1000s of members in each
•Organize our community to oppose anti-charter school legislation
•Founded Homeschool Concierge, a non-profit to serve the diverse needs of homeschool families
•Helped pave the way for family choice at charters by founding multiple family-focused programs serving our community
I am honored to serve on the board of CHN helping to support families in finding their homeschool path.

Rhonda Hamilton – Treasurer

Rhonda Hamilton – Treasurer

Rhonda Hamilton homeschooled all 4 of her kids, all adults now. She has been a part of CHN since 2000, when she chose to begin her family’s journey into homeschooling. Since joining CHN, which came at a time where homeschooling wasn’t as prominent, she has seen many changes and growth in the communities along with the view of homeschooling change. She hopes to help CHN grow and continue to help families throughout the state. She has been an active member and volunteer, ranging from email hostess to Board of Trustee, and continues to help CHN to this day.

Trina Rueber – Secretary

Trina Rueber - Secretary

Trina Rueber – I live in Northern California with my fun-loving family where between sports and my endless to do list; there is never a dull day. I’m a homeschool mom of 18+ years for all my children, all with unique interests and talents.

I have a wonderful husband who keeps a blind eye to our creative chaos and my “I’ll use it someday” clutter, as he navigates through our Bag of Holding of a home. When I’m not teaching, you can usually find me outside working on our hobby farm complete with goats, sheep, and chickens, or in my studio, where I’m a Jacklyn of all trades, doing everything from woodworking and painting to stain glass and ceramics. I love life, learning, exploring, and inspired by a great quote from Abraham Lincoln who once said, “Most folks are as happy as they make their minds to be”. I’m thankful to work with such an amazing group of people as I embark on the journey alongside the other Trustees and I am so excited to see what this next year brings for the CHN homeschool community.

To contact the entire Board of Trustees email

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